Welcome to LovelyGreenDiary

What is so special about LovelyGreenDiary??? Very soon u will know...

It's all about LOVE, BEAUTY and balance in LIFE!!! Browsing time... :) :) :) Hope you enjoy your visit here! :)

If you LOVE HEALTHY LIVING, do browsing AVAIL BEAUTY... AVAIL BEAUTY is the best choice in providing health products in keeping you slim & fit; provide nutritious organic food; beautifies skin & body specially for women and etc for healthy living... You can also build up a great career in AVAIL BEAUTY anytime...

If you LOVE CHOCOLATE and looking for EXCLUSIVE CORPORATE GIFT, do browsing RHR Corporate Gift...

Incorporated in 2005, Ringgit Hedges Resources Sdn Bhd (RHR) is capable in supplying various high quality premium items with a unique design and exclusive corporate gifts...Tailored to client's needs and requirements for every festival... Impress your precious clients with RHR Corporate Gifts and have a great business relationship always...

If you LOVE BEAUTY and wanna change your lifestyle or even build up your career in beauty line, do browsing my Mary Kay... Mary Kay enriching women's lives! Let's take up the challenge! Together we work towards your dream and goal... Believe in yourself! YOU CAN!!!

If you LOVE PARTY or GATHERING and enjoy eating... do visit CT Cafe! Incorporated 2 years ago CT Cafe is capable in providing delicious cuisine catering with professional service for corporate event in both goverment and private function such as seminar, farewell, wedding, birthday party & etc mainly in Klang Valley. CT Cafe LOVE to make your function or dream party come true...

Recently, RHR has joint venture with CT Cafe in approaching KBS and MBM to supply our catering (VIP & Buffet) during Hari Belia Negara 2012 held in Putrajaya from 23 - 27 May 2012. Alhamdulillah... CT Cafe has been appointed as one of the main contractor in supplying both VIP & Buffet catering service! It was a great experience for CT Cafe in expanding the business on it's coming 2nd year anniversary soon! Congratulation CT Cafe! We love CT Cafe! We believed you too... :)

If you LOVE MUSIC, do enjoy my favorite songs... And a lot more to share about LIFE, the BEAUTY of ISLAM, business opportunity and career too!

Sharing is caring... Happy Browsing! :)

Friday 10 August 2012

Malam Lailatul Qadar Lebih Baik Dari Seribu Bulan!!!

Alhamdulillah... Kita berada pada bulan Ramadhan... Hari yang ke 20... Jom Raih
Malam Lailatul Qadar !!!

“Malam kemuliaan itu lebih baik dari seribu bulan. Pada malam itu turun malaikat-malaikat dan malaikat Jibril dengan izin Tuhannya untuk mengatur segala urusan. Malam itu (penuh) kesejahteraan sampai terbit fajar.” (QS. Al Qadar [97] : 3-5)

Tanda Malam Lailatul Qadar...

[1] Udara dan angin sekitar terasa tenang. Sebagaimana dari Ibnu Abbas, Rasulullah shallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,

لَيْلَةُ القَدَرِ لَيْلَةٌ سَمْحَةٌ طَلَقَةٌ لَا حَارَةً وَلَا بَارِدَةً تُصْبِحُ الشَمْسُ صَبِيْحَتُهَا ضَعِيْفَةٌ حَمْرَاء

 “Lailatul qadar adalah malam yang penuh kelembutan, cerah, tidak begitu panas, juga tidak begitu dingin, pada pagi hari matahari bersinar lemah dan nampak kemerah-merahan.” (HR. Ath Thoyalisi. Haytsami mengatakan periwayatnya adalah tsiqoh /terpercaya)

[2] Malaikat menurunkan ketenangan sehingga manusia merasakan ketenangan tersebut dan merasakan kelazatan dalam beribadah, yang tidak didapatkan pada hari-hari yang lain.

[3] Manusia dapat melihat malam ini dalam mimpinya sebagaimana terjadi pada sebahagian sahabat.

[4] Matahari akan terbit pada pagi harinya dalam keadaan jernih, tidak ada sinar. Dari Abi bin Ka’ab bahwa Rasulullah shallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda yang artinya,”Shubuh hari dari malam lailatul qadar matahari terbit tanpa sinar, seolah-olah mirip bejana hingga matahari itu naik.” (HR. Muslim) (Lihat Shohih Fiqh Sunnah II/149-150)

Semoga Allah memudahkan kita untuk meraih malam tersebut. Amin Yaa Mujibas Saailin.

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